Friday, October 1, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts (Hardy) Wildlife Artist
Loved painting this, the three month old cougar cub and his brother were climbing stumps in our woods, climbing trees, climbing rocks, and swimming in the pond, he was not to fond of that, but it was his idea. They also loved my fish pond and thought the fish to be very interesting subjects. At the end of the day we wrapped them in towels to warm them up and let them play in the house while we all drank hot chocolate. LOVED this day.


"SOLITUDE" Available

Kathleen V. Butts (Hardy) Wildlife Artist
A band of big horn sheep in AB Canada became tolerant of our presence. One morning, climbing the icy slope back up the mountain side, we reached a rock outcropping  free of snow and came face to face with this magnificent ram. We stood silent, this was a sight that makes your breath catch in your throat. This original oil painting, on linen, is available 14"X9".