Friday, October 1, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts (Hardy) Wildlife Artist
Loved painting this, the three month old cougar cub and his brother were climbing stumps in our woods, climbing trees, climbing rocks, and swimming in the pond, he was not to fond of that, but it was his idea. They also loved my fish pond and thought the fish to be very interesting subjects. At the end of the day we wrapped them in towels to warm them up and let them play in the house while we all drank hot chocolate. LOVED this day.


"SOLITUDE" Available

Kathleen V. Butts (Hardy) Wildlife Artist
A band of big horn sheep in AB Canada became tolerant of our presence. One morning, climbing the icy slope back up the mountain side, we reached a rock outcropping  free of snow and came face to face with this magnificent ram. We stood silent, this was a sight that makes your breath catch in your throat. This original oil painting, on linen, is available 14"X9".

Monday, August 9, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts(Hardy) Wildlife Artist This painting won First Place at Pacific Rim Wildlife Art Show 1988: it was displayed at the CM Russell Show by invitation of another artist: then to a museum in England for a period of time and they contacted Christies and proposed my work be submitted to their upcoming auctions. Which Christies did.


Kathleen V. Butts (Hardy) Wildlife Artist
During a benefit show for Martine Colette's Wildlife Waystation (Poster Artist 1997), in the Angeles National Forest in California, the main handler brought this beautiful three year old male lion out of his compound for us to view. What an amazing cat, I was captivated.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

'IN PROGRESS" Oil on Linen 18x52

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
Between the age of two and four, male lions leave their pride. A single male, or a set of brothers, who generally stay together for life, may become nomads, or join a coalition of nomadic males. A larger coalition is likely to maintain a higher position than a smaller one, some may include as many as nine males. They will hunt game the females may leave alone. Prime years for males is from five to nine but are the strongest and fittest between five and six. The area I have put these five males is The Etosha Pan.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist I love walking along river or stream beds during any time of the year but particularly during the winter. Around every bend is a new painting, as it was in this Colorado canyon. This painting  a 24"X48". Yes I do lots of bigger paintings is why many take a year or more to complete. Due to the oils slow drying,  I work on several paintings during a period of time.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
Listen to the sound. It will carry the farthest on the chilled morning air.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"THE CREETING" Cropped on right edge.

Kathleen V. Butts Wilife Artist
A "resting site" is where the pups may remain for several days while the adults hunt. Large areas of vegetation maybe leveled, due to the pups activities. Overhanging banks may have tunnels dug deep within for the pup's safety and for staying warm or cool during the summer. When begging for food the pups mouth the muzzle of the adult as you see Tunrack doing. He was born in the spring of 1986 to Zane and Nehani, a long time resident pair at our Oregon Zoo. This painting is a permanent collection at The World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon

"FIRST SNOW" Available

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
It was the first major snowstorm of the season and I had to wear snow shoes, it was so deep. I ventured to our lower pond, finding it covered in ice, and tracks from fox, coyote, and deer where everywhere. I went up the next hillside to view Mt. Hood glistening in the early morning sun and got stuck in branches coming through the deep snow; the more I struggled the funnier it seems and I just sat down and laughed. This gave me a very different perspective of what was around me and many painting concepts have come from this morning walk. ''First Snow'' is available, oil on linen  9"X12" AWFrame , oil on linen.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
This painting symbolizes 'all' of what I love to paint. I want you to feel the clean, crisp winter air and this quiet place. Her name was Little Bit, and her spirit was free. She is relaxed and content as she gazes into the world she is just beginning to understand. Wolves became special in my life when I was a child and as an artist, renewed experiences has strengthened this bond.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
This painting has hung in my living room for many years. At a refuge, we watched a young male African elephant have a range war with a peacock, this stirred several paintings in my minds eye. I tried to paint a smaller, similar, painting once,  but realised  I cant do that, my mind will not let it happen.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

"LYNX" Sold

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife ArtistI love the simplicity of this painting and the ice covered grass was fun to do. We photographed many lynx in snow while on trips into Canada, and Alaska. The gallery I displayed with at the time purchased the painting, saying. "It was a signature piece".

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
The magic of the first snowfall covering the land, the trees with just a dusting of snow, sheltering one another as their roots entwine, holding fast to the rocky hill side. As the morning sun glistens off the fresh snow, a pair of wolves climb the slope for a better view. I have one remaining Giclee` print on canvas. 15"x30" AP 2/8  $300.00 + shipping

Monday, March 29, 2010

Detail "THE CROSSING" Whitetail Deer Sold

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
Hiking any rivers edge, in any part of North America, in any season, is a wonderful experience. In the fall, when the trees have freed themselves of summer leaves and the air can flow through their branches is a beautiful time. I know that soon the fallen leaves will be covered with snow and the air will be fresh and clean, and my favorite season will be here.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist Three month old cougar cubs were brought to our home to photograph. They were very impressed with my pond and 'my' fish and scampered over the rocks trying to get a better view, "a better view" ya right! ha ha They climbed trees and old stumps, frolicking in the fallen leaves, delighted in exploring new found toys. One decided to try out the big pond and swam the enter forty plus feet and you could see his eagerness to finally reach the other side. We brought them into the house and wrapper them in warm towels and we drank hot chocolate and watched as they got into more mischief. Several paintings have been completed from that wonderful day and there are more to come.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist This oil painting of African lions was a major piece I did at a clients request. It depicts a beautiful male and female lion of the African Savannah. The dry grasses dance around them as your eye catches a glimpse of the spiny, Acacia tree, off in the distant morning haze. 36"X48" on Linen.

Monday, February 15, 2010

"THE LEGACY" Giclee' Prints Available

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
Many years ago when I viewed Scottish castles for a commissioned painting, a particular castle gave a chill to my heart and it was not forgotten. The day finally came when I began the adventure, and as the painting progressed, for many, it revealed the legend of King Arthur. The painting was purchased before completion and the client asked me to elaborate on this extraordinary story. Truth or myth, Arthur holds us firmly in his spell.
"The legacy" Giclee' on canvas 24"X42" stretched and embellished $800.00 + shipping.  Unstretched, not embellished, $600.00 + $10.00 shipping in tube.

Giclee` prints on canvas are available.


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist It was said, "--the castle will be reborn, honor will no longer be a word forgotten". The ancient oak yields new leaves and the wolves have returned to walk the ragged edge of survival, singing again in the glow of the setting sun. This is "The Legacy" to be remembered.


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist
The snow leopard endures the harshest elements of all endangered cats. This elusive cat blends into the harsh landscape of rocks and snow in the scattered mountain ranges of the Himalayas north to the fringes of Siberia. I wanted the subtle warmth and cool grays permeate the mood of this peaceful and magical moment; gentle to the eye as the mother is to her cub.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist We spent a week in Valdez waiting for weather to clear so we could take a boat out to view the glaciers. It was off season and most everything was boarded up for the winter and there were not many things available to us. Everyday that we stayed was a new adventure, finding dramatic waterfalls, landscapes new to our eyes, eagles on the gravel beds of the rivers feasting on salmon. We finally gave in to the bad weather and headed north towards the Dalton Highway. Several hours later the weather cleared as we passed through this beautiful landscape. How lucky can you get!

Friday, February 12, 2010

"THE ICE BEARS" Available as resale

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist The polar bear painting was completed many years ago and is for sale due to clients downsizing. 24"X48" oil on Linen . Today it reminds me of how their habitat is changing and how they may evolve with it.


Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist Sovereign, a Siberian Tiger in summertime, was so wonderful to paint. I loved painting the sand almost as much as I do snow. The Siberian Tiger is the largest living cat in the world, they sometimes are called the Manchurian tiger. They still roam icy, snow bound forest in the far eastern USSR and northeastern China and Korea. Their habitat is birch, scrub oak, and walnut thickets, as well as areas of deep snow cedar, and pine wood.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"THE CROSSING" Available

Kathleen V. Butts Wildlife Artist This painting of Mt. Hood and a Rocky Mountain Elk, is available.
12"X18"  AWFrame   $1,200.00 + shipping. This painting was inspired by a hike near Mt. Hood. I do not think, I, often use this much color, but this was just so inspiring, the painting took on it's own direction, as they always seem to do.